Enjoy your visit to Spokane, Washington’s second largest city and gateway between the Rockies and the Cascades. In addition to the Cultivating Cooperative Roots conference, there are many other things to do. Stay an extra day and take advantage of all the Inland Northwest has to offer!
Spokane Happenings:
Greater Spokane, Inc. has put together an informative site for visitors including:
Don’t forget that the Inland Northwest has an impressive array of local breweries and wineries. Check out the Ale Trail or explore Spokane’s Cork District!
Community Building (s)
Two buildings, actually, The Community Building at 35 W. Main Street and The Saranac at 25 W. Main Street house a number of community groups and provide public space for the Spokane community to engage each other. We will have several events at the Community Building including our two Youth Track lunches, the Welcome Reception on Friday, and we will take a tour there on Sunday.