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Access to Capital for Community Facilities and Housing Preservation and Development

Workshop Presenter: Judith Olsen, Executive Director, Impact Capital
February 6, 2016 from 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM

Does your community need more affordable housing or facilities to service community members?  Impact Capital’s, Judith Olsen will provide an engaging presentation on how Impact Capital makes it easier for nonprofits to get seed money for projects that help people improve their quality of life, and shape the future for their community. She will provide case studies and examples of unique partnerships and financing structures that have resulted in the development of affordable housing, preservation of aging properties, as well as the development of communities facilities.

 Impact Capital has worked in every country but two in Washington State, they can help leverage other partnerships and help you access the catalytic first in capital that is often a road block.  Some of these project include an acquisition loan to the Housing Authority of Kennewick for the development Nueva Vista project which provided 32 affordable apartments for low-income residents, and a pre-development loan made to Transitions-Spokane, which is funding a feasibility study for a  project which  will offer permanent supportive housing to very low and low income individuals and families who have been chronically homeless or have special needs.


Become A Sponsor

We believe it is important to promote cooperative development as means to achieve economic and social equity for low income individuals and groups. Just as important is access to a healthy, local food system. By providing funding you are allowing us to keep our conference registration fees low enough to serve a broader audience while delivering quality content. Your generous donation will support:

  • On site English-Spanish interpretation during the conference and bilingual programs and materials
  • Youth Track for late high school – early college students
  • Scholarships for conference attendees from underserved communities
  • Interactive sessions and workshops aimed at building the knowledge and skills needed to start, strengthen, and expand cooperatives
  • Valuable networking opportunities such as our Welcome Reception, Local Foods Dinner, and Poster Session and Reception

Your contribution is an investment in the future, one that will grow exponentially as conference attendees take their new knowledge and skills back to their cooperatives and to their communities. Thank you for your support!


You can download a sponsorship packet here